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How to integrate AWS Lambda function with API Gateway
Cloud computing with AWS
For this blog, be sure to have a Lambda setup and prepared already, if need help in the same refer : How to Setup and Execute your First AWS Lambda function
Now that you have Lambda ready. Let's start with setting up an API Gateway.
Navigate to Services > API Gateway
Click on Create API button:
Look for the "Create API" button on the API Gateway dashboard and click on it.
In the API creation wizard, select the type of API you want to create. Click on the "Build" button to proceed with your preferred choice.
Create an API step
Add Integrations
Set as Lambda
Select the lambda you already created.Configure Routes
Provide a Route resource path
Provide Method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)
This is the URL path where your API will be accessible.Define stages:
Next, add a stage name for your API. The stage represents a specific deployment of your API (e.g., "development", "production", etc.).If you didn't already set up the integration target:
Go to API Gateway > Your API
Add integration, select Lambda and Apply Integration target.Check the Grant API Gateway permission to invoke your Lambda function.
Hit the create button.Deploy your API
After create your API, Hit the Deploy button.
Select the stage that you've created earlier (e.g., "development", "production", etc.) from the dropdown menu.Confirm the deployment by clicking on the "Deploy" button. After deployment you will get dashboard like this
Use the API:
To use your API, simply copy the provided endpoint URL (usually displayed on the dashboard or deployment confirmation page) along with your route.
Now, we good to monitor usage, set up custom domains, configure authorizers, etc. with your API Gateway.